Patients suffering from back pain commonly experience their symptoms as the result of problems or strains affecting the muscles. When pain is localized, meaning that it affects a specific area of the body, it is most likely the result of muscle strain (pulled muscle) caused by overuse, tension, and abrupt movements such as falling, twisting, bending, or lifting.
Muscle aches that affect more or all areas of the body are typically caused by infections or specific conditions, including fibromyalgia.
Muscles in the lower back support the spine and are essential to nearly every movement the body makes. As a result, these muscles and ligaments are prone to injuries that can result in back pain. Although strains to muscles and ligaments may not seem a serious condition, they can severely limit mobility and cause considerable pain.
Muscles Strains and Back Pain
Muscle and ligament strains can cause back pain severe enough to require treatment. Strains typically occur as the result of movements that put any abnormal stress on the lower back. Trauma and injuries, including sports injuries, can also result in these strains.
Muscle strain – A muscle strain can occur when the muscle is stretched or torn and muscle fibers are damaged.
Lumbar sprain – Ligaments are tough, fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones and joints. When they are over-stretched or torn, the damage can affect an individual’s ability to move and function without pain.
Muscles strains and ligament sprains can both be treated using the same methods. Pain caused by these strains, often referred to as pulled muscles, can range from mild achiness and discomfort to severe and debilitating pain. They usually occur suddenly and may be accompanied by muscle spasms.
Finding Muscle Injury Relief in Largo
In some cases, back pain resulting from a pulled muscle can be treated using self-care and home treatments, including over-the-counter drugs, rest, ice, heat, and other methods. When there are no signs of improvement within 72 hours, when pain is severe, or when pain radiates and produces tingling or numbness, then medical attention should be sought. Depending on your condition, treatments may begin with more conservative approaches such as physical therapy. Our team can also conduct thorough evaluations and physical assessments to determine if there may be other conditions or damage involved. Should your muscle pain be the result of a condition such as fibromyalgia, we are qualified to provide innovative and effective treatments.
Comprehensive Care and Excellent Service
At Bay Area Chiropractic, we provide comprehensive care designed to fully address your condition and provide you with information you need to maintain overall health. Dr. Cliff Zurkan, in Largo, has years of experience in providing fast effective relief, has been widely recognized for his focus on treating patients with the utmost respect, integrity, and compassion.
We care about our patients and we do whatever possible to deliver positive results through the use of innovative, minimally impacting treatment. Contact Bay Area Chiropractic to discuss your needs.
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